Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援


今年挑戦したいこと vol.128



中学生の頃から海外には憧れがあった。いつか行って見たいと思っていたし、海外に住んだり、外国の友達が欲しいと思っていた。 実際行けたのは19歳の時だ。カナダに短期留学に行ったのが初めての海外だった。








By misa

I renewed my passport the other day. It had completely expired while I was unable to go abroad due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of my goals this year is to go abroad. Different scenery, languages, and cultures give me new stimulation that goes beyond the boundaries of everyday life, and I feel like they free my mind.

I have longed to go abroad since I was in junior high school. I wanted to go someday, live abroad, and make foreign friends. I actually went abroad when I was 19 years old. It was my first time studying abroad, when I went to Canada for a short-term study abroad program.

The Internet was not as widespread as it is today, and international calls were expensive and not something you could make easily. Many people may not know this, but in the past, we used cards called calling cards to make international calls to Japan as collect calls. The communication environment, such as internet and telephones, was so different from what it is today.

Looking back, I think it was quite a bold challenge to go abroad alone for the first time. I still remember the anxious look on my mother’s face as she saw me off at the airport.

The challenge started off on a turbulent note. My plane was delayed during a transit in Vancouver, and I got lost in the large airport. It was late at night, and I remember crying as I asked the black pilot for help, not knowing if I would be able to reach my destination, Ottawa, the capital of Canada.

I somehow managed to catch my connecting flight and arrived safely at my host family’s house. When I finally caught my breath, I felt really relieved. It was hard for my first baptism, but it didn’t change my love for overseas at all, so I guess it suited me.

There is always a “baptism” waiting for you when you do something for the first time. Surprise, confusion, anxiety, and a sense of accomplishment after overcoming it. It is because of this process that first experiences help us grow.

That’s why I want to go abroad this year to receive another new “baptism”. I haven’t decided which country to visit yet, but I’m excited to think of the stimulation, experiences, new scenery, and encounters I will gain through traveling.

“What do you want to try?”

Have a wonderful day☆
By misa



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