Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援


情報過多の時代〜The age of information overload〜vol.138










素敵な1日を☆BY MISA


In a world where various information is confusing, it is a very important choice which information to believe. It is surprisingly common that the information you believed is actually a baseless lie, or conversely, what you thought was a lie is actually the truth.

In particular, stories you hear from others are easily distorted. The information conveyed differs from the original content due to various factors such as the person’s memory being inaccurate, the nuance of the receiver, and the misinterpretation of words. If you have ever played the “Telephone Game”, you can easily imagine the process.

For example, at a workplace in the past, someone told me, “This senior is dangerous, so be careful!”. Such information grew inside me unconsciously, and I was prepared for “I will be scolded if I do my job properly”. However, when I actually met the senior, I realized that I was worrying for nothing because he was very kind. On the other hand, I was told, “That person is a good person, so you should rely on him!”, but when I actually consulted him, I was coldly rejected and my expectations were betrayed.

In the end, the most trustworthy thing is your own experience.

People have different compatibility and types, and each person has a different feeling for the same person. Even if someone thinks they are a “good person,” they may not be to you, and vice versa. Therefore, it is more important than anything else to see, hear, and experience things for yourself, rather than blindly accepting other people’s opinions and rumors.

Of course, not all information from others is meaningless. It is effective to use it as a warning or reference, but rather than making assumptions based on it, it is important to think about “how would I feel?” Sometimes it is necessary to consciously filter and select only the necessary information.

I think this also applies to online word-of-mouth these days. Have you ever had the experience of being dissatisfied with a very good review, or a store with a low review but that you felt was trustworthy?

In this age of information overload, instead of being swayed by the information you see, trust your own senses and select what you want. I think that will lead to the ability to discern information that is truly valuable to you.

“What information do you think is best to believe in for your life?”

Have a wonderful day☆BY MISA



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