何か事業を始める時や発信したい時に、誰しも1度は考えたことがあるのではないだろうか。Instagram、X(旧ツイッター)、Youtube、TikTok、note、Facebook、Threads、Ameba Blogなど、その他にも沢山のSNSがある。
私自身、最初に手を付けたのはAmeba Blogだった。当時はAmeba Blog全盛期で、多くの人がそのプラットフォームを利用していた。選択肢も少なかったため、自分も自然とそれに倣った。その後、Instagramが台頭し、そちらに移行するユーザーもいた。現在では、InstagramのほかにnoteやYouTube、TikTokなど、SNSがますます多様化し、年齢層や目的によって使い分けられる時代になっている。特に若い世代では、InstagramやTikTokの利用率が高いという話もよく耳にする。
By misa
I think everyone has thought about this at least once when starting a business. There are many other SNS such as Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Youtube, TikTok, note, Facebook, Threads, Ameba Blog, etc.
It’s fine for people who are particular about how they want to communicate and can decide on “this” right away, but for those who are inexperienced or who can communicate in various ways, I think it’s not an easy choice.
The first one I tried was Ameba Blog. At that time, Ameba Blog was at its peak, and many people were using that platform. There were few options, so I naturally followed suit. After that, Instagram emerged, and some users moved to it. Nowadays, SNS is becoming more and more diverse, with Instagram, note, YouTube, TikTok, and more, and we are in an era where we can use different SNS depending on the age group and purpose. I often hear that Instagram and TikTok are used more frequently, especially among the younger generation.
It’s best to use something that is easy to use, but what I’ve been feeling lately is the importance of having one page or platform that is your axis. This is just my personal opinion, but when I write my blog on WordPress now, I don’t have to worry too much about being influenced by trends.
It’s also great that I don’t have to worry about a particular SNS being affected by trends and fads, or that “this service may be terminated” or “the number of users is decreasing.” If you have your own site or homepage as your axis, you can consolidate your information in that place, no matter what changes of the times come. While having that axis, you can use popular SNS such as Instagram and TikTok to send out your information and blogs. That way, even if Instagram becomes less used in a few years, it won’t be that difficult to switch to another SNS.
The times and trends are changing very quickly these days.
SNS that were extremely popular until a few years ago are declining, and new platforms are appearing one after another. Not being at the mercy of these changes and reconsidering your communication style from a long-term perspective may be the key to surviving the coming era.
“What kind of impact do you want to have on the people who receive your message?”
Have a nice day☆
By misa
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