Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援


継続の秘訣〜The secret to continuing〜vol.120







By misa


I couldn’t update for two days because of work and my children’s lessons.

I’m currently updating my blog with WordPress, and the WordPress app notifies me of how many consecutive days I’ve posted. I’ve been able to post every day recently, and I’m disappointed that I stopped, but I realized that keeping a record like this helps me to continue. When you have a visible record and results, your motivation to continue increases significantly.

It’s the same with learning English. In my case, I use an app to solve English problems, so the number of hours and days I’ve continued is shown as a number. By visualizing and checking whether the number of hours has decreased significantly compared to the previous week, I can make plans in advance, such as I want to exceed that this week,'' orI’m busy in the first half of this week, so I can’t do much, but I’ll pick it up in the second half.” The desire to improve that record leads to continuity.

And continuity doesn’t just improve your record, it also helps you grow. Updating your blog improves your writing skills, helps you organize your thoughts, and gives you new ideas. All of these come from the accumulation of small efforts.

I often tell my children that achieving goals and succeeding are often the result of accumulating small efforts. Of course, there are cases where great results can be achieved overnight, like the American Dream, but such stories are rare.

“What do you want to continue doing this year?”

So, have a wonderful day☆
By misa



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén