Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援


何を仕事にしたいのか〜What do you want to do as a job?〜vol.134











By misa


Since I provide employment and career support, I am always interested in what kind of jobs people take and how they feel about their work.

If you are going to work, I want you to work in a field that interests you or in a position of responsibility and find the work interesting.

Since I was a student, I thought that if everyone gets a job and spends the same 8 hours working, I want to work in a field that I am interested in. Rather than working while complaining that it is boring, I wanted to make those 8 hours fun and fulfilling. I have always loved traveling and English, so it was inevitable that I wanted to work in the tourism or language fields.

Then, by chance, I was selected as a scholarship student in my second and third years of university, and my university tuition was free for two years, which became a turning point in my life. When my parents gave me permission to go to double school, the first thing I thought of was to attend a different course at an English conversation school. I wanted to improve my English skills. I also wanted to have an advantage in finding a job.

With such a casual attitude, I increased the number of courses at the English conversation school I was attending. There, I met a career support teacher who had previously worked for Japan airline, and I continue to aim to become that teacher.

I think that encounters are important things that change people’s lives. A path that didn’t exist before for me opened up when I met that teacher.

From there, I aimed to become a flight attendant, and went on the road to job support, and now I’m also involved in second career support. I feel like I’ve taken a detour in many places, but I’ve been blessed with so many encounters that I think that’s okay.

And now I feel like I’m standing at a crossroads that will be a new step.It all started with a question asking what I want to offer.

“What kind of work do you really want to do?”

I’ll write again ☆ Have a nice day
By misa



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén