Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援









では、素敵な1日を☆By misa


This is what I felt when I took the TOEIC test the other day. I recommend a multifaceted approach to learning English.

What I mean is that, of course, it is important to solidify the basics with reference books and problem sets, but if you rely too much on that, your studies will become monotonous and you risk losing interest. In addition, it is important to incorporate ways to learn while having fun, such as watching English movies, using English learning channels on YouTube, and listening to English news and podcasts. This not only broadens the range of input, but also naturally acquires a sense of using English and understanding it in context.

For example, learning becomes much more fun when you come into contact with English in a field that interests you. Listen to the news in English, watch TED, watch foreign dramas, or analyze the lyrics of your favorite music. These methods not only improve your listening skills, but also help you deepen your understanding of the language itself by touching on the background of culture and expression.

Also, in speaking and writing, by creating a place where you can use the knowledge gained through listening and reading as output, you can further refine your skills. By using online English conversation and English diaries, you can effectively improve your speaking and writing skills at the same time.

Of course, for the TOEIC, it is a must to go through the TOEIC question set and keep in mind how the questions are asked, but I felt that there was a limit to traditional studying such as reference books and question sets. Personally, in addition to studying for TOEIC, a multifaceted approach is the key to improving your English. And the secret to a long-term study method is to create an environment where you are exposed to English on a daily basis.

“What kind of study are you doing to improve yourself?”

Have a wonderful day☆By misa



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén