Career & Image Consulting Salon Skyway

元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職・キャリア・英語支援〜コーチング/キャリアコンサルティング/イメージコンサルティング/英語〜The sky’s the limit〜

大切な情報をフィルターする脳の働き〜How the brain filters out important information〜vol.97






「カラーバス(Color Bath)」は「特定の色が意識を浴びるように目立つ」という現象に由来しているそうだ。

この現象が起きる背景には、脳の「網様体賦活系(RAS: Reticular Activating System)」という働きによるものだそうだ。RASは、私たちが日々膨大な量の情報にさらされる中で、「重要なもの」と判断した情報だけを選んで意識に浮かび上がらせるフィルターのような役割を持っている。そのため、何かに意識を向けると、RASがそれに関連する情報を優先的に拾い集めるようになるのだ。






Christmas is approaching.

Every year, my family preorders a Christmas barrel at KFC, but this year, we couldn’t make the reservation in time. I’m not one to give up, so I tried and called many places, but it seemed like it would be impossible this year.

Then, I happened to see an advertisement for Christmas chicken at a nearby butcher’s.
The overall price is the same as KFC’s Christmas barrel, and the butcher is famous for its delicious meat. I remember that there used to be a line of people there every Christmas.

At that moment, I thought, this is it! I made a reservation immediately.

This effect, in which things that interest or draw your attention to you become more noticeable in the information around you, is called the color bath effect. Because I was interested in the Christmas chicken, I saw an advertisement that I would have normally passed by.

The term “color bath” is said to come from the phenomenon in which a certain color stands out and catches your attention.
For example, if you think about blue things, you may feel as if blue clothes, blue signs, and blue cars jump out at you one after another, or if you are thinking about buying a new car, you may notice that car all the time on the streets.

This phenomenon is said to be due to the function of the brain’s “Reticular Activating System (RAS)”. As we are exposed to a huge amount of information every day, the RAS acts like a filter, selecting only the information that it judges to be “important” and bringing it to our consciousness. Therefore, when we focus our attention on something, the RAS prioritizes picking up information related to it.

This is also very effective for setting goals and what you want to achieve. If you write down your goals and post them somewhere, or if you journal, your attention will be directed to them, and the color-bass effect will be more pronounced.

When I wanted to be a flight attendant, I used to cut out pictures from magazines and paste them in my notebook.
I still do that habit, and I believe in its effectiveness.

“What do you want to achieve?”

So, have a wonderful day☆



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén