Career Salon Skyway 元国内・国際線CAによる就職転職サポート、キャリア支援


少しでも前へ〜move forward even a little〜


ブログでもお伝えしている英語やコーチング(PCC Marker)の勉強。本当に少しずつですが、やっております。仕事と家事・育児の合間なので、細切れになったり、全然できない日もありますが、少しずつでも前に進めるように毎日数分でも時間をとれるようにしながら進めています。

英語は主に英会話とTOEIC、英検対策です。もっとレベルアップできるように詰めております。またコーチング(PCC Marker)は4分の1くらいでしょうか。今は課題に向けてセッションの訳(英語→日本語)に取り掛かるところです。











I’m studying English and coaching (PCC Marker), which I also talk about in my blog. I’m doing it little by little. I do it in between work, housework, and childcare, so it’s fragmented and there are days when I can’t do it at all, but I’m trying to make progress little by little by taking a few minutes every day.

For English, I mainly do English conversation and TOEIC and Eiken preparation. I’m working on it so that I can improve my level even more. Also, I’m about a quarter of the coaching (PCC Marker)? ? Right now, I’m working on translating sessions (English to Japanese) for my assignment.

By taking action to move forward little by little, I can prevent my motivation from dropping and control myself by gaining small successes. Even if it’s just small steps like preparing materials or doing it for 3 minutes, I just move forward.

The other day, I went to cheer on my children’s baseball games and I noticed that even if the children practice 10 times, they only get 1 or 2 in return. Sometimes they don’t get any results at all and it becomes a negative. Even though they practice, they don’t feel like they’re getting better, and they compare themselves to others; even though they are children, they are carrying a lot of things with them when they take to the mound.

But by continuing without giving up, an opportunity may suddenly come along, or some good coincidence may occur, leading to a good result, making them feel stronger, and as a result, they may be able to help someone else, or they may be able to share their joy with others… there are good moments like that.

At times like that, my heart is really moved, and I think it’s really great that they have come this far, and it gives me an indescribable feeling. All the hardships up until now were just so they could experience this moment.

So, although it may not be relevant in today’s times,
I still think that working hard is a good thing.

As a parent, I also want to try many different things, make an effort, and be the kind of mother who can pass that on to my children by example.

Have a wonderful day!
By misa



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Ginza coaching school Haneda branch→こちらから☆


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テーマの著者 Anders Norén